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This proposal requests Gnar 189 for Pharra Buarque and 1 USD of base ETH so he can perform his first txs. And we know that is maybe too long for a simple onboarding, but Pharras historic is so awesome and we had fun revisiting all this.
🎵 Listen Pharra Chosen Song while reading 🎵 (I hope that becomes a thing hehe)
°° PhArRá BuArQuE °°
Skateboarder, Activist, Artist, Architect and Urbanist
Pharrá Buarque is a Rio de Janeiro-based architect and urban planner who has been immersed in the world of skateboarding for over 25 years. Combining his passion for skateboarding with his professional background, he rethinks on a daily basis how citizens engage with the city and urban space.
The political perspective of skateboarding, primarily seen as a social, cultural, and artistic activity, prompts Pharrá to reconsider the city as a space for occupation and interaction, not solely for consumption or work.
As a member of the Coletivo XV, he plays a crucial role in opening up the space of Praça XV for skateboarders and leading ongoing interventions that aim to integrate any citizen into urban space through skateboarding. Pharrá spent five years with Rio Ramp Design and, for the past four years, has been at the forefront, alongside his partner Jackson Bahia, of Tangente DIY Skateparks. This venture specializes in designing and constructing skate parks, as well as various architectural, landscaping, furniture, and urban art projects related to street culture, particularly skateboarding.
Pharrá's experiences on the streets have led him to explore the city with great freedom, naturalness, and organicity, propelling him towards the path of art. He consistently questions society and its relationships through his thoughts, expressed in interactive artworks scattered throughout urban spaces.
Personal Instagram Tangente DIY Skateparks Instagram Twitter Skatehive ThatsGnarly
Praça XV - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Praça XV - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Praça XV - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Praça XV - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Cordoba Cultural Center - Cordoba - Argentina
Praça Marechal Âncora - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Historic National Museum - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Modern art Museum - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Caramujo Favela - Niterói - Brasil
Manguinhos Favela - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Providência Favela - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Private country house - Petrópolis - Brasil
Pharra was one of Coletivo XV Founders. To sum up a lot of history everything changed after Coletivo XV made skateboarding legal in public squares. The same comparable effect happened in olympics year. In both situtations, Pharra was there making sure that brands or politicians wouldnt mess up.
"I was 15 when Pharra brought me to Circo Voador for my first Coletivo XV Meeting, he opened the meeting introducing me and saying that I had potencial to help, that changed my life and my understanding of human collaboration" (Vlad)
Pharra has also the gift of communication, has presented events and its the frontman of a lot of projects